Does your office have any Christmas Traditions?

Here at Factor Forms & Labels we have a long-time tradition that our employees' children participate in. Our Annual Children's Christmas Card Contest takes place every November. Children (12 and under) are asked to submit a drawing that depicts, "What Christmas means to them".
Many incredible pieces of art are submitted and are perused by a panel of judges. They face the difficult task of choosing a winner from a spectacular array of artwork. After much deliberation a decision is made.
Each year, a first place winner is chosen along with a runner up. The winning artwork is printed on the face of our Factor Forms & Labels Christmas card along with a photograph of the winning artist on the back. Every child that submits an entry receives 10 of their own personalized Christmas cards for them and their family to send out during the holidays. We love getting so many great drawings!
When you receive your Christmas card from us, we hope you take the time to appreciate the artwork and now, the tradition behind it.
... "That's a FACT JACK!"