Hi there! I am Stephanie. I have multiple roles here at Factor Forms & Labels.

I have been employed at Factor Forms & Labels since May of 2017. I was initially hired in the Proofing Support department where I created artwork for labels and forms. After my maternity leave, I began assisting with Label Quality Control and Graphic & Website Design in the Marketing Department. I love the day to day variety and being able to help out where I am needed most.
My love for art started when I was young. You could always find me drawing, colouring, painting and crafting! Art was my favourite subject in school and I told my Kindergarten teacher that I was going to be an artist when I grew up. I actually made it!
I moved to Edmonton from Goodsoil, Saskatchewan right after high school to attend NAIT. That is where I completed the Graphic Communications Program. After that, I decided to pursue the website side of the industry, so I furthered my education by completing another diploma in the Digital Media and IT Program. I majored in Website Design & Development and minored in Visual Communications. After graduating with honours, Factor Forms & Labels was my first employment opportunity in the industry and I have been working here for over 5 years now!
Away from work, I am a busy new mom! You will find me building Mega Blocks sculptures with my toddler and watching Netflix reality shows with my husband. I also really enjoy testing and writing reviews about various products on my Instagram account! It keeps me occupied and it is a fun way to try out new products on a daily basis. As a family, we like to visit my parents in Saskatchewan where we can enjoy farm and lake life away from the city.
- Stephanie